Showing posts with label Did You Know. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did You Know. Show all posts

If Global Warming Continues Humans Could Evolve To Look Like This...

As A Result Of Global Warming Scientists Believe That We Could Eventually Evolve Some Pretty Crazy Characteristics.

As a result of global warming scientists believe that we could eventually evolve some pretty crazy characteristics. Experts have been busy trying to predict what the human race will look like in the far and distant future. They’ve considered several scenarios; how we’d look if there were to be a new ice age, if global warming continues and if we started colonising other planets.


Dr Matthew Skinner, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Kent, worked in conjunction with an artist called Quentin Devine to help visualise what humans might look like in the future.
If global warming gets worse and land mass decreases Dr Skinner believes we could possibly develop webbed feet and translucent eye lids to help us see under water. They also think we could develop gills to breathe under water.

In the ice age scenario, Dr Skinner thinks that our skin would become incredibly pale due to a lack of vitamin D from less sunlight. We would be covered in hair and develop some serious muscles. Our noses and faces would become bigger as a response to the colder air and we’d become a lot stronger.
If science fiction does become a reality we might develop short legs as in low gravity they would become completely unnecessary.
Dr Skinner said:
‘No matter what future scenario we find ourselves in, be it a water world, ice age or indeed that colonising another planet, the human race will strive to avoid extinction – ultimately, it’s a fight for survival.’
At the moment humans are still getting bigger, but skinner suggests that trend will reverse due to a lack of predators. This phenomenon is called ‘island dwarfing’ and it occurs when mammals have no predators and limited resources.
Interesting stuff. Did you know astronomers think that Aliens might have built a mega structure that’s orbiting a nearby star?



5 Reasons Why A Dog Will Make Your Life Better

The benefits to owning a dog are endless, here are 5 reasons your dog will make your life better!

#1 Help With Your Allergies

Do you have a specific allergy that tends to get in the way of everyday things? Certain dogs can be trained to detect allergens in food like nuts. Friendship & life saving, they really do it all.

#2 They Will Make You Smile

Looking at your dog looking back at you is like looking into the face of the cutest baby in the world. If you don't smile, chances are you don't have a heart. So if you like smiling, get a dog and let them do their thing.

#3 Great With Kids!

Do you already have kids? If so, a dog is the absolute best "toy" they could have. If you want to provide your child with not only a friend, but a guardian as well, a dog is the way to go.

#4 They'll Give You Someone to Love

Feeling lonely? Well you wouldn't if you had a dog. Not only do they provide companionship, but the chances that you'll love your dog are pretty high. And who doesn't want love???

If you think you’ve seen the worst fashion fails, feast your eyes on these 6 Worst Dressed Fails (Photo Gallery)

You Wear It Well, Daddy-o!

Project Runway has nothing on these dapper gents! Put yer eye on some of the worst men’s fashion disasters of all time! Funny thing is, these horribly dressed guys actually wore these clothes in public!  Forget the Best Dressed lists!  I’m loving the Worst Dressed!  These Male Fashionistas got it going on big time!

The Day Nike Sales Plummeted…

That poor dog… That poor, poor dog…

I’ve heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve but this is ridiculous!

What do you do with that old couch from the 1070’s?

In this issue of GQ:  The Best Dressed Russian Mafiosos…

At least he’s mixing it up a little bit.

5 Hilarious Photos Taken At The Perfect Moment

Let's face it: we're a generation obsessed with documenting our lives through photos on social media platforms. This may have turned us all into narcissistic self-obsessed sociopaths, but on the bright side, we now collectively snap so many photos that we often capture amazing moments that could have easily been missed in the pre-smartphone camera era.

Whether it's an inadvertent illusion caused by an unfortunate angle or an intentional and deviously planned photo made to look dirty, the following 16 photographers were blessed with photos so perfectly strange, they will leave you staring in awe. These pictures just go to show you that a little difference in perspective can change everything!

1. They wondered why the photographer chose to take the photo from such a low angle. 

via reddit / thejohnblog

2. This is a new dog breed that is totally legless and can hover. 

via reddit / 1Voice1Life

3. It's hard to say where the llama ends and the woman begins.

via reddit / ShutDownSchinDig

4. He burps rainbows; you'll never guess what he toots!

via reddit / Defyingnoodles

5. The judges didn't even notice Mikhail's perfect human projectile performance. 

5 Of The Dumbest Things People Brought To The Auto Shop

It's common to hear horror stories about people who have had terrible experiences with mechanics. Complaints about being swindled, cheated, over overcharged are common, but what about mechanics who have had to deal with dumb customers? Some people deal with car troubles their own way, ignoring warnings from their vehicle or using duct tape to fix the problem, leaving mechanics scratching their heads.

There's the Problem

The owner of this Volkswagen Jetta came to the conclusion that they were dealing with an air leak, so they wrapped their airflow meter and intake hose with tape. It wasn't duct tape and easily removed, but the mechanic wasn't happy about having to fiddle with this.

#1 Gliding on the Highway

Turning on this tire must have been like riding a slip and slide. Driving on a completely worn tire is more than dangerous, as they are easily punctured or can cause a loss of of vehicle control (braking, spin outs, etc.).

#2 More Cowbell

If this was a prank: genius. In this instance, the customer complained to the mechanic that they kept hearing a bell sound coming from under their car. There's no word on why they didn't just take a peek under the vehicle, but the auto shop took care of the concern by detaching the belt that connected the bell to the vehicle.

#3 Strap Up

People will do anything to keep from having to buy new tires. Maybe it's because it's recommended that tires must be purchased two or four at a time, increasing your bill if you only need one. However, there are moments when it's just time to say R.I.P. to your worn tires and splurge (or catch a sale!) for new ones.

#4 Warning Signs

Your check engine light is your friend. When it pops on, it's safe to say that most of the time it's your car's way of getting your attention. For this car owner, however, they decided that it was more of a suggestion than anything, and rode 84,000 before having their first oil change. 

#5 A Different Kind of Herb

Not completely positive, but that doesn't look like basil. Marijuana smokers may have secret stashes in their cars, so it isn't uncommon for mechanics to come across the random ways people try to conceal their weed.

And safety is important, but if something requires a lock that big maybe it shouldn't be stored in your car. Also, how does one's tire bubble in ten different places?

Weird Things That Have Been Found Underwater

You'd think that underwater there would be only fish, and maybe an occasional old, sunken ship. Well, there are many crazy things you wouldn't expect to find, but they're there alright! Take a look.

#1.Rolling in the deep.

In 1985, steam locomotives from the 1850's were found at the bottom of the ocean. Somebody must have forgotten to hit the brakes.

There is a sculpture park off the coast of Cancun, Mexico. It can only be seen by those willing to plunge into the Caribbean Sea.It has over 500 statues!

#3. Itsy Bitsy
Spiders. Yes. Some species create air pockets on their webs, so they can breathe underwater.

#4.Apollo 11
An Apollo 11 engine was recently uncovered in the Atlantic Ocean after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos financed a team to search for it.

Did You Know That The Story Behind The Movie ‘Life Of Pi’ Was Actually Inspired By A Man Who…

                                                         Image Source:

Steven Callahan, who was born in 1952, is an American sailor and naval architect. He gained his worldwide popularity by surviving 76 consecutive days adrift. He was stranded helpless on a emergency life raft in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. His sloop tragically sunk after a whale hit its bottom. Callahan told his incredible story about survival and the power of the human spirit in his book “Adrift: 76 days Lost At Sea”. His book was an all-time bestseller for 36 straight weeks when it got published in 1986.

What is even more interesting about Steven is that he became the real life inspiration and backbone of the 2012 movie“Life of Pi”. In 2010 the director of the movie Ang Lee invited Steven Callahan to become the survival and marine consultant for the movie. According to the director without Callahan’s inspiring story and unique contribution the movie wouldn’t have been such a great success grossing over $600 million at the box office.