Showing posts with label cosmetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmetics. Show all posts

If you think you’ve seen the worst fashion fails, feast your eyes on these 6 Worst Dressed Fails (Photo Gallery)

You Wear It Well, Daddy-o!

Project Runway has nothing on these dapper gents! Put yer eye on some of the worst men’s fashion disasters of all time! Funny thing is, these horribly dressed guys actually wore these clothes in public!  Forget the Best Dressed lists!  I’m loving the Worst Dressed!  These Male Fashionistas got it going on big time!

The Day Nike Sales Plummeted…

That poor dog… That poor, poor dog…

I’ve heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve but this is ridiculous!

What do you do with that old couch from the 1070’s?

In this issue of GQ:  The Best Dressed Russian Mafiosos…

At least he’s mixing it up a little bit.

Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,348


While many people around the world are looking for a more sustainable form of building houses, there is a way that has been around for centuries that we can still use today! Take this gorgeous log cabin for example, this log home would be the perfect home for the whole family. The wonderful thing about log homes is that they have so many benefits over conventional dry wall homes.


Log homes and cabins are very sustainable, as they are made from renewable materials that come from the Earth. Most of the logs used to build these log homes and cabins come from sustainable tree plantations, where the trees are used for their wood, and then more are planted in their place to grow into more trees for more logs. This is a better way of going about this process, rather than just chopping down any tree, so that we can keep the ancient growth forests alive, with their habitats thriving.


Amish Cabin Company, is a log cabin kit building company that provides log cabin kits. The company works with their customers to provide a size and style of cabin that will suit the customer's needs and desires, and they have a phone line that you can call, so you can speak to someone directly on the phone.


They provide all of the materials needed to build the log cabin that you purchase, and will be happy to help you with anything else you may need assistance with too. They also have a great and informative Frequently Asked Questions section that you can look at any time to answer any questions you may have.


This particular home, The Cumberland Log Cabin, is a cozy and simple, log home. It features multiple bedrooms or office and a bedroom, and bathrooms. There is also potential for a beautiful deck to be built at the front of the home. It is perfect for a couple or a single family, or to use as a recreation property. You can also check out the other larger floor plans on their website. It could also be used as a rental unit on your property.


Log homes are not only a great and sustainable home to buy, they are one of the most sturdy houses you can build. They are also very energy efficient, since the thermal mass of the logs is so high and they make wonderful insulators. The logs also act as air filters, filtering out some of the bad toxins in the air, which conventional homes don't do. Over all log homes are amazing and a wonderful choice of building that will last a lifetime!

Source : Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,348

Five tips to soothe and relieve dry skin during cold months

Cold weather, low humidity levels and wind are factors that can really dry out and damage your skin, especially when central heaters are used at home. How can one alleviate dryness and help skin stay moist and healthy through the coldest months of the year?

Moisturize more!

Find an "ointment" moisturizer that is oil-based, rather than water-based. The oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion. When choosing a moisturizer, it is best to opt for natural organic skincare products or nourish skin with pure oils, such as almond, avocado, coconut or jojoba oil. You can also look for lotions containing humectants, a class of substances that attract moisture to your skin, such as glycerine.

Always read the ingredient label; preservatives and fragrances can dry and irritate sensitive skin. Preservatives that seem to cause problems for many people include propylene glycol, quaternium-15 and imidazolidinyl urea.

In addition, stop using deodorant bars, antibacterial soaps, perfumed soaps and skin care products containing alcohol, like hand sanitizers. They can strip oils from the skin.

Protect your skin when going outside

It is important to protect your skin even on a cloudy or snowy day. Snow is an even better reflector than water! Use a natural sunscreen and lip balm (lips don't have oil glands, and they can dry out easily, causing chapped lips) and wear a scarf and gloves to help prevent chapped lips and hands.

Avoid superhot showers or baths

Hot water removes the skin's natural oils more quickly than warm or cold water. This is why showers should be limited to five minutes, using warm water rather than hot. A lukewarm bath with oatmeal or baking soda can help relieve skin that is so dry that it has become itchy. After washing, moisturizing skin immediately with oil helps trap water in the skin.

Drink more water or herbal tea to prevent dehydration

The skin is often the outer reflection of the inner being. To keep the body hydrated, drinking water is paramount. Alcohol, caffeine and all kinds of diuretics should be avoided. Drinking herbal tea and eating fluid-rich foods, such as fruit, vegetables and soup, can also help.

Eat foods rich in omega-3s and vitamin D

Essential fatty acids (omega-3s and omega-6s) are most important. These healthy fats help retain natural oils in your cells and keep skin well hydrated. Omega-3 can be found in cold-water fish as well as in poly-unsatured and unrefined vegetable oils such as flax oil.

Because of unsafe levels of mercury and toxicity in some kinds of fish (especially the big ones such as salmon), it is advisable to supplement diet with good vegetable oils or seeds instead (like chia or hemp seeds).

Also, one study by the Johnson & Johnson Skin Research Center found a link between low vitamin D levels and drier skin. Individuals with lower levels of vitamin D had lower average skin moisture. The skin consists of a special layer designed to convert ultraviolet B radiation from the sun into vitamin D; a lack of sun in the winter can have a substantial impact on the dryness of your skin.

Few foods contain significant amounts of vitamin D naturally. The best sources are wild-caught salmon and mackerel. Indeed, it may be worth supplementing your diet with vitamin D in the winter.

Don't overheat your home and office

Central heating systems and space heaters draw moisture out of the air and out of your skin. It is recommended to keep indoor temperature below 72° F. Using a humidifier is a good option, especially in the bedroom, to keep skin well hydrated while sleeping.

These skincare tips should help with dry skin. However, some cases of dry skin should be seen by a doctor, especially if symptoms get worse. There are internal factors that can cause dry skin, including overall health, genetics and medical conditions like asthma, allergies, dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.

You Won't Believe It's Just Makeup!

From wonky eyes to enormous pimples, makeup can fix practically anything. These examples will blow your mind.........

5.Wonky to Wow!
Granted, the photos were taken from slightly different angles but Charr's features in the before photo look all wrong. Her eyes seem droopy and her whole face looks a little crooked. In the second photo, she looks like model material. False eyelashes and plenty of mascara really lift those eyes. And contouring, as well as an off-center part, makes her face seem more symmetrical.

4.Night and Day
You could not convince most people that this is the same person! With the colorful contacts, she looks like she's barely even related to the woman underneath all of that makeup!

3.From Spotty to Hottie
This sweet-faced teenager shared these unedited before and after shots on imgur, saying, "Though I do enjoy makeup, I'm not ashamed of who I truly am." But is anyone's true self best represented by their acne? Makeup just allows this girl's inner beauty to shine through on the outside, too.

2.This Redhead Sizzles
What a difference makeup (and hair) can make. In the before shot, this woman's face looks broad, her forehead is shiny, and her skin tone is uneven. In the after photo, all of these flaws are gone. And her eyes and lips just needed a little definition in order for their true beauty to be revealed. This photo was originally posted on reddit and caused a bit of a revolt among some of the male readers, who felt that it demonstrates how makeup can "trick" you. But it caused other male readers to consider whether men should start to wear makeup as a matter of course, too!

Every woman wants to look flawless. For those of us who didn't hit the genetic lottery for today's beauty standards, contouring could change everything!