Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts

Hilarious Fails That Will Make You Cringe! Trust Me #5 Is The Worst Ever.

Some of them succeeded in the most hilarious way, but most of them failed miserably.DIY or “Fix It Yourself” are not for everybody, but if you really need to fix something and don’t have the proper tools handy you will need to come up with something really brilliant, and this is exactly what these  people tried to do.

1. As long as the ball fits

2. Everything to keep the kids quiet

3.Sometimes, You Just Need to Put That Baby on the Floor and Get Yourself a Slurpee

4. Your personal home cinema

5. Hot tub

6. Water Them Crops

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You might also see .....DIY Life Hacks That Will Make Your Life easier

Adding Technology to Your Brew-Beer Gadgets:

1. Beer Utility Belt

The belt clips on and off and includes 8 containers for holding beer. While it may not be the most comfortable accessory to wear while laying back in your Lazy Boy, it works great for drinking on the go.While not a robot like many of the other items on this list, we’ve included it because it can hold pretty much whatever you need in the way of booze.

2. The Transporter

Rule 1: Never open the package.Rule 2: No names;Rule 3: Once the deal is made, it is final; While we can’t guarantee that this little robot will have the same level of precision as Jason Statham’s famous character, it still gets the job done. Not only does this little cooler chill your beverages, it will bring them to you! While it only holds 6 cans, we think that the fact it will transport them to you makes up for the small capacity. The remote works up to 30 feet away, just don’t forget to bring the remote with you to your seat!

3. Robotic Beer Butler

That’s right, this little robot chills, opens, and pours your beer for you. And, with a capacity of 6 cans, you will be able to enjoy the entire game without needing to refill the cooler!With this gadget from Ashai, you won’t have to constantly yell at your buddies or girlfriend to grab you another cold one. Instead, just push a button and this little bot will open and pour a chilled beverage into your favorite mug.

If you think you’ve seen the worst fashion fails, feast your eyes on these 6 Worst Dressed Fails (Photo Gallery)

You Wear It Well, Daddy-o!

Project Runway has nothing on these dapper gents! Put yer eye on some of the worst men’s fashion disasters of all time! Funny thing is, these horribly dressed guys actually wore these clothes in public!  Forget the Best Dressed lists!  I’m loving the Worst Dressed!  These Male Fashionistas got it going on big time!

The Day Nike Sales Plummeted…

That poor dog… That poor, poor dog…

I’ve heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve but this is ridiculous!

What do you do with that old couch from the 1070’s?

In this issue of GQ:  The Best Dressed Russian Mafiosos…

At least he’s mixing it up a little bit.

Having a bad day? These hilarious fails will cheer you up

Being a celebrity is not easy. They always need to look glamorous. But more often than not, it’s the Photoshop that helps them hiding their flaws.

These 5 photo shopped images will tell you the real truth behind the glamorous industry.

1. Toilet fail

via pleated-jeans

2. Wrong!

via hadonejob

3. If you need some horsepower, the drink this.

via 9gag

4. You had one job!

via reddit

5. Another gas station disaster


5 Hilarious Photos Taken At The Perfect Moment

Let's face it: we're a generation obsessed with documenting our lives through photos on social media platforms. This may have turned us all into narcissistic self-obsessed sociopaths, but on the bright side, we now collectively snap so many photos that we often capture amazing moments that could have easily been missed in the pre-smartphone camera era.

Whether it's an inadvertent illusion caused by an unfortunate angle or an intentional and deviously planned photo made to look dirty, the following 16 photographers were blessed with photos so perfectly strange, they will leave you staring in awe. These pictures just go to show you that a little difference in perspective can change everything!

1. They wondered why the photographer chose to take the photo from such a low angle. 

via reddit / thejohnblog

2. This is a new dog breed that is totally legless and can hover. 

via reddit / 1Voice1Life

3. It's hard to say where the llama ends and the woman begins.

via reddit / ShutDownSchinDig

4. He burps rainbows; you'll never guess what he toots!

via reddit / Defyingnoodles

5. The judges didn't even notice Mikhail's perfect human projectile performance. 

3 Things You Should Never Do On Facebook

#1 The TMI-er

There are things that should NEVER be uttered or typed in the bowels of Facebook, and this is example 1A.

#2 The Couple Who is an Impossible Level of Love

And, bet, that they will NOT let their Facbeook friends hear the end of how in love they are.

#3 The In-Love Couple, Continued

Matching tattoos, so cute! Please, please, PLEASE show us more!

6 Drivers You Don't Want To Share The Road With

When you think about it, it's amazing that we as humans have adapted to driving at all. The idea that an average citizen can be trusted with a metal box capable of traveling over 100 miles an hour would boggle the minds of our ancestors, but it's taken for granted today. Yet for some people, that level of comfort can turn into something more dangerous: carelessness. Whether they're drinking, texting or just not paying attention to their surroundings, people who don't take driving seriously can threaten their own safety and that of others. So, for the next time you're wondering why there are so many PSAs about impaired or distracted driving, here are 16 reminders.

1. It didn't take this drunk driver long to learn the meaning of "instant karma."

via reddit / t_11

2. This person is going 75 miles per hour.

Also, just in case the picture seems hypocritical, the photographer is in the back seat.

via reddit / [deleted]

3. This isn't an abandoned van, the driver's seat is apparently clear.

How anyone can stand driving this, I'll never know. And it's dangerous because they can't see through any of the mirrors.

via reddit / tli3

4. Apparently, this drunk driver ran over some guy-wires.

And then, this happened.

via imgur / dudeexcellent

5. It's hard to tell what the thought process was here.

I guess they wanted to see where that ramp went.

via reddit / Unable13

6. It sucks that he's late for his clown gig, but that doesn't excuse this.

This isn't the right way to multitask.

Fun facts

How do they know this stuff? Can we be sure they are right?







Here's some crazy ideas (6 images)

Just a reminder - this is the Internet - not all of this stuff really works - and may not be safe..
