If Global Warming Continues Humans Could Evolve To Look Like This...

As A Result Of Global Warming Scientists Believe That We Could Eventually Evolve Some Pretty Crazy Characteristics.

As a result of global warming scientists believe that we could eventually evolve some pretty crazy characteristics. Experts have been busy trying to predict what the human race will look like in the far and distant future. They’ve considered several scenarios; how we’d look if there were to be a new ice age, if global warming continues and if we started colonising other planets.


Dr Matthew Skinner, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Kent, worked in conjunction with an artist called Quentin Devine to help visualise what humans might look like in the future.
If global warming gets worse and land mass decreases Dr Skinner believes we could possibly develop webbed feet and translucent eye lids to help us see under water. They also think we could develop gills to breathe under water.

In the ice age scenario, Dr Skinner thinks that our skin would become incredibly pale due to a lack of vitamin D from less sunlight. We would be covered in hair and develop some serious muscles. Our noses and faces would become bigger as a response to the colder air and we’d become a lot stronger.
If science fiction does become a reality we might develop short legs as in low gravity they would become completely unnecessary.
Dr Skinner said:
‘No matter what future scenario we find ourselves in, be it a water world, ice age or indeed that colonising another planet, the human race will strive to avoid extinction – ultimately, it’s a fight for survival.’
At the moment humans are still getting bigger, but skinner suggests that trend will reverse due to a lack of predators. This phenomenon is called ‘island dwarfing’ and it occurs when mammals have no predators and limited resources.
Interesting stuff. Did you know astronomers think that Aliens might have built a mega structure that’s orbiting a nearby star?



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