Showing posts with label Best Models. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Models. Show all posts

The Most Stunning Weight Loss Transformations Ever ! Before and After

The people in these transformation photos take it to the next level, with extremely low levels of body fat, to achieve that ‘cover model’ body and is something that can motivate everyone to put that extra attention to detail into their own training and diet. These are some of the most stunning weight loss transformations ever.It's absolutely amazing how people completely transform into a whole new person!

#1.Absolutely Inspiring 

#2.Fit and toned beyond belief! Hats off!

 #3.Check out all the muscle


#4. The couple did absolutely amazing to start the rest of their lives together.


5 Hilarious Photos Taken At The Perfect Moment

Let's face it: we're a generation obsessed with documenting our lives through photos on social media platforms. This may have turned us all into narcissistic self-obsessed sociopaths, but on the bright side, we now collectively snap so many photos that we often capture amazing moments that could have easily been missed in the pre-smartphone camera era.

Whether it's an inadvertent illusion caused by an unfortunate angle or an intentional and deviously planned photo made to look dirty, the following 16 photographers were blessed with photos so perfectly strange, they will leave you staring in awe. These pictures just go to show you that a little difference in perspective can change everything!

1. They wondered why the photographer chose to take the photo from such a low angle. 

via reddit / thejohnblog

2. This is a new dog breed that is totally legless and can hover. 

via reddit / 1Voice1Life

3. It's hard to say where the llama ends and the woman begins.

via reddit / ShutDownSchinDig

4. He burps rainbows; you'll never guess what he toots!

via reddit / Defyingnoodles

5. The judges didn't even notice Mikhail's perfect human projectile performance. 

Shocking 90s Stars Before & After! (5 Photos)

#1 Mackenzie Rosman

Before: She played the adorable daughter on the family-friendly show 7th Heaven.
After: Ruthie's all grown up! In 2013, she showed the world what she's got in a spread for Maxim.

#2 Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Before: They were the twins that shared the role of Michelle Tanner on the hit San Francisco sitcom, Full House. 
After: The fashionista twins have created several clothing lines for companies like Walmart.

#3 Kel Mitchell

Before: He was the orange-soda loving half of the duo that was always ready to serve up a Good Burger. 
After: He's still making rounds on Nickelodeon shows like Sam and Cat. He guest-starred in an episode as rapper Peezy B.

#4 Lindsay Lohan

Before: She was the cutest and cleverest redhead that managed to bring her parents back together in The Parent Trap revamp.
After: Nowadays, people can't keep track of how many times she's been in and out of prison.

#5 Hilary Duff

Before: Back in the day, she played Disney Channel's favorite klutzy middle schooler, Lizzie McGuire. 
After: She's the hippest young mom around to former NHL player, Mike Comrie's baby. She's doing young motherhood right, so beat that Kimye.

5 Of The Dumbest Things People Brought To The Auto Shop

It's common to hear horror stories about people who have had terrible experiences with mechanics. Complaints about being swindled, cheated, over overcharged are common, but what about mechanics who have had to deal with dumb customers? Some people deal with car troubles their own way, ignoring warnings from their vehicle or using duct tape to fix the problem, leaving mechanics scratching their heads.

There's the Problem

The owner of this Volkswagen Jetta came to the conclusion that they were dealing with an air leak, so they wrapped their airflow meter and intake hose with tape. It wasn't duct tape and easily removed, but the mechanic wasn't happy about having to fiddle with this.

#1 Gliding on the Highway

Turning on this tire must have been like riding a slip and slide. Driving on a completely worn tire is more than dangerous, as they are easily punctured or can cause a loss of of vehicle control (braking, spin outs, etc.).

#2 More Cowbell

If this was a prank: genius. In this instance, the customer complained to the mechanic that they kept hearing a bell sound coming from under their car. There's no word on why they didn't just take a peek under the vehicle, but the auto shop took care of the concern by detaching the belt that connected the bell to the vehicle.

#3 Strap Up

People will do anything to keep from having to buy new tires. Maybe it's because it's recommended that tires must be purchased two or four at a time, increasing your bill if you only need one. However, there are moments when it's just time to say R.I.P. to your worn tires and splurge (or catch a sale!) for new ones.

#4 Warning Signs

Your check engine light is your friend. When it pops on, it's safe to say that most of the time it's your car's way of getting your attention. For this car owner, however, they decided that it was more of a suggestion than anything, and rode 84,000 before having their first oil change. 

#5 A Different Kind of Herb

Not completely positive, but that doesn't look like basil. Marijuana smokers may have secret stashes in their cars, so it isn't uncommon for mechanics to come across the random ways people try to conceal their weed.

And safety is important, but if something requires a lock that big maybe it shouldn't be stored in your car. Also, how does one's tire bubble in ten different places?

DJ Megan Daniels - Tattoos

Career DJ ,Supermodel
Tattoos: Right arm sleeve; inside left wrist; three stars each calf; each bikini line.
Piercings: Under right eye; above left upper lip; navel.

Megan Daniels is a blond, curvy, tattooed vixen who made a name for herself as a model, appearing as the cover girl on publications like American Curves, Heavy Metal, Lowrider and Inked. However, she is now known as DJ Megan Daniels, having mostly moved on from modeling and becoming a full-time disc jockey. Born in England but currently living in Southern California, Daniels has spent the past year focusing on entertaining crowds all over the U.S. A self - proclaimed house-music , Daniels' beauty and fresh beats have propelled her to the top of the DJ scene, and you can see why she is considered the "hottest DJ on the planet.''