Showing posts with label Cosplay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosplay. Show all posts

Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,348


While many people around the world are looking for a more sustainable form of building houses, there is a way that has been around for centuries that we can still use today! Take this gorgeous log cabin for example, this log home would be the perfect home for the whole family. The wonderful thing about log homes is that they have so many benefits over conventional dry wall homes.


Log homes and cabins are very sustainable, as they are made from renewable materials that come from the Earth. Most of the logs used to build these log homes and cabins come from sustainable tree plantations, where the trees are used for their wood, and then more are planted in their place to grow into more trees for more logs. This is a better way of going about this process, rather than just chopping down any tree, so that we can keep the ancient growth forests alive, with their habitats thriving.


Amish Cabin Company, is a log cabin kit building company that provides log cabin kits. The company works with their customers to provide a size and style of cabin that will suit the customer's needs and desires, and they have a phone line that you can call, so you can speak to someone directly on the phone.


They provide all of the materials needed to build the log cabin that you purchase, and will be happy to help you with anything else you may need assistance with too. They also have a great and informative Frequently Asked Questions section that you can look at any time to answer any questions you may have.


This particular home, The Cumberland Log Cabin, is a cozy and simple, log home. It features multiple bedrooms or office and a bedroom, and bathrooms. There is also potential for a beautiful deck to be built at the front of the home. It is perfect for a couple or a single family, or to use as a recreation property. You can also check out the other larger floor plans on their website. It could also be used as a rental unit on your property.


Log homes are not only a great and sustainable home to buy, they are one of the most sturdy houses you can build. They are also very energy efficient, since the thermal mass of the logs is so high and they make wonderful insulators. The logs also act as air filters, filtering out some of the bad toxins in the air, which conventional homes don't do. Over all log homes are amazing and a wonderful choice of building that will last a lifetime!

Source : Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,348

5 Hilarious Photos Taken At The Perfect Moment

Let's face it: we're a generation obsessed with documenting our lives through photos on social media platforms. This may have turned us all into narcissistic self-obsessed sociopaths, but on the bright side, we now collectively snap so many photos that we often capture amazing moments that could have easily been missed in the pre-smartphone camera era.

Whether it's an inadvertent illusion caused by an unfortunate angle or an intentional and deviously planned photo made to look dirty, the following 16 photographers were blessed with photos so perfectly strange, they will leave you staring in awe. These pictures just go to show you that a little difference in perspective can change everything!

1. They wondered why the photographer chose to take the photo from such a low angle. 

via reddit / thejohnblog

2. This is a new dog breed that is totally legless and can hover. 

via reddit / 1Voice1Life

3. It's hard to say where the llama ends and the woman begins.

via reddit / ShutDownSchinDig

4. He burps rainbows; you'll never guess what he toots!

via reddit / Defyingnoodles

5. The judges didn't even notice Mikhail's perfect human projectile performance. 

TERRIFYING World's Most Dangerous Roads (Photo Gallery)

#1 Karakoram Highway

Image via

This highway linking Pakistan and China reaches altitues of 16,000 feet and is no laughing matter. You wouldn't want to fall off this one.

#2 Guoliang Tunnel Road (China)

This tunnel/road is 1,200 meters long and was built by locals in the 70's. It took 5 years to construct this road that tunnels in and out of some of the steepest peaks in China.

#3 The Road Through The Himalayas

This road through India has more curves than any road should. Trucks commonly fall down the steep grades of this road.

#4 Road Of Death

This Bolivian road is not only long, but it is called the road of death for a reason. It is responsible for 100-200 fatalities a year.

5 Of The Dumbest Things People Brought To The Auto Shop

It's common to hear horror stories about people who have had terrible experiences with mechanics. Complaints about being swindled, cheated, over overcharged are common, but what about mechanics who have had to deal with dumb customers? Some people deal with car troubles their own way, ignoring warnings from their vehicle or using duct tape to fix the problem, leaving mechanics scratching their heads.

There's the Problem

The owner of this Volkswagen Jetta came to the conclusion that they were dealing with an air leak, so they wrapped their airflow meter and intake hose with tape. It wasn't duct tape and easily removed, but the mechanic wasn't happy about having to fiddle with this.

#1 Gliding on the Highway

Turning on this tire must have been like riding a slip and slide. Driving on a completely worn tire is more than dangerous, as they are easily punctured or can cause a loss of of vehicle control (braking, spin outs, etc.).

#2 More Cowbell

If this was a prank: genius. In this instance, the customer complained to the mechanic that they kept hearing a bell sound coming from under their car. There's no word on why they didn't just take a peek under the vehicle, but the auto shop took care of the concern by detaching the belt that connected the bell to the vehicle.

#3 Strap Up

People will do anything to keep from having to buy new tires. Maybe it's because it's recommended that tires must be purchased two or four at a time, increasing your bill if you only need one. However, there are moments when it's just time to say R.I.P. to your worn tires and splurge (or catch a sale!) for new ones.

#4 Warning Signs

Your check engine light is your friend. When it pops on, it's safe to say that most of the time it's your car's way of getting your attention. For this car owner, however, they decided that it was more of a suggestion than anything, and rode 84,000 before having their first oil change. 

#5 A Different Kind of Herb

Not completely positive, but that doesn't look like basil. Marijuana smokers may have secret stashes in their cars, so it isn't uncommon for mechanics to come across the random ways people try to conceal their weed.

And safety is important, but if something requires a lock that big maybe it shouldn't be stored in your car. Also, how does one's tire bubble in ten different places?

List of the Best Cosplay Ever

Cosplay so real, it's almost a dream come true.
Here is list of best top 6:

6. The Joker
This fusion of a retro and modern Joker is a great example of outstanding cosplay. Somewhere, Jack Nicholson is giving it a standing ovation.

5. Tomb Raider
Many diehard fans and Halloween fanatics have tried and failed at doing Lara Croft any justice, but this modern take on the latest "Tomb Raider" title almost looks too good to be true. According to her bloodied t-shirt, she's seen a few wars in the wilderness.

 4. Final Fantasy VII
On the record, Cloud Strife is one of the most popular video game characters of the '90s. His appearance in "Final Fantasy VII" for the Sony Playstation bombarded gamers with a new character to root for and this clearly represents his cool factor.

"This way Mr. Bubbles!" This is one of the best Bioshock cosplays in existence. The little girl totally makes it work. 
When these two descended upon ComicCon, they made a predictably big splash. Not only is this awesome cosplay, this is awesome parenting. What little girl wouldn't love to help their father pull off the best costume of all time? 
In fact, this makes us sort of sad that our parents weren't this awesome. We only got to dress up for Halloween. And we got our costume from the local Kmart, not from the creative fingers of whoever made this costume. Color us officially jealous.

2.  Harley Quinn
This is a fantastic Harley Quinn costume made by someone who must be a hardcore Batman fan. How much time does it take to put together an outfit like that? At least when it's handmade especially for oneself, it will be a perfect fit and very snug!

1. Kerrigan
A little Star Craft anyone? This Kerrigan cosplay is professional grade. 
What we want to know is how you find the time and resources to construct something like this. This requires some serious commitment. Let's not even get into the skill involved. This particular feat of cosplay ingenuity is by Tasha Cosplay. She's super internet famous for her well-crafted costumes.